♥ Kiss me in the summer rain,
and love me like nobody does.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Last blogged @ 4:42 PM

today was super fun ,
me; lydia; kimberly; reiyin; peiyu; lokheng; damian .
roller coaster; viking ship; wild & wet; one more {i forgot what}
cheesy hot dog buns; mango bubble tea .
tell you more either tmr or monday .
hand is like super pain now , super tired now , and i wanna sleep .
so , UDATING SOON ! (:

Friday, October 30, 2009
Last blogged @ 2:16 PM

today was fun , i think .
morning ? P.E.-ed played frisbee; badminton .
rei yin was like , showing us her magic trick .
thn , she don't want show us th second one .
only show eunice , UNFAIR ! Xl
anyways , talktalk to cheryl and darlings .
thn played catching , lil while , went bck to class .
discussed for biz fun , thn went 6H for MT .
played stress , black jack {OPS} and thn strted building PYRAMIDS(: with those damn cards tht kept collapsing . HELP !
recess-ed , ate noodles , MAGGIEMEE ! (:
played ball , basketball . i scored ONCE only . HELL .
discussed and made th flyer th rest of th day ,
i used like , an hour or less to make one damn flyer !
heng-s , they gonna photocopy it or its gonna take a very long time .
walked with julniee to th 112 bus stop ,
bought m&n crunchy chocolates , julniee gave me 2 lollipops (;
eating th lollipop now , finished th chocolates :D
gotta go alr , BYE D:

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Last blogged @ 4:09 PM

JUST came bck from school .
let's strt from morning .
business talked . usual , didn't listen . :P
P.S. not interested ,
skipped chinese , played stress ?
yeah , lost to lydia many times .
won her a few times . =.-
uhh , recess-ed . BORING !
just , run here and there . sian ~
hahahs . played stress , speed . nice (;
kana scolded by th MRS YAP ,
aiyoyo , say we too noisy !? blehblehbleh !
did bizfun thing , stayed bckk .
played ice & water around th WHOLE school .
jamie is th only one , ICE .
i pity her :D . she didn't catch any of us .
superr funny luhhs .
aft a while , no sign of her , went to ISH .
played soccer , stupid luhhs . kanna hit 2 times .
hahahahs . went home at 3 , SIAN ~!

QUIZ (from weixin's blog):

Three names I go by:
1. sifart
2. garfield
3. orange

Three Jobs I have had in my life:
1. student
2. student
3. student

Three Places I have lived:
1. serangoon
2. kovan
3. singapore

Three Favorite drinks:
1. milo
2. ice lemon tea
3. chocolate milk

Three TV Shows that I watch:
1. boys over flowers
2. 添丁发财
3. 命中注定我爱你

Three places I have been:
1. malaysia
2. australia
3. china

Three places I am looking forward to go:
1. newzealand
2. kayaking camp
3. xinmin sec

People that i sms/sms me regularly:
1. melvin
2. jiaxin
3. wenching

Three of my favorite foods:
1. chocolate
2. french fries
3. maggie mee(:

Three things I am looking forward to:
1. kayaking camp
2. bizfun
3. korea

Three things that are always by your side:
1. specs
2. phone
3. wallet

Three things I always look forward to during weekends?
1. eating kimchi noodles
2. church
3. wenching coming to my hse

Three things I always do every morning
1. brush teeth
2. drink milk; cereal
3. check for messages in my phone

If you're a guy - post this as my kind of girl.
If you're a girl - post it as my kind of boy.

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
no , but hopefully (;

2. Smart?
yeah . at least smarter than me luhh .

3. Preferred age?
same or older .

4. Preferred height?
lil bit taller than me ,

5. How about sense of humor?
of course , i wanna laugh all day long !

6. How about piercings?
nahh . somehow , to me . they are for GAYS .

7. Accepts you for who you are?
uhh , ya ?

8. Pink hair?
EW !?

9. Mushy or no?
no , humorous .

10. Thin or fat?
so-so . NORMAL .

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
brown .

12. Long hair or short hair?
short .

13. Plastic or metal?
huh ?

14. Smells good?
yeah . hate stinky guys ;X

15. Smoker?
hell NO .

16. Drinker?
no , he'll get drunk and i'll hv to carry him home . EW .

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
idk .

18. Muscular?
not as muscular .

19. Plays piano?
anything .

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
anything , too .

21. Plays violin?
anything !

22. Sings very good?
as long as his voice doesn't burst my ear drums like how lokheng does ?

23. Vain?
no .

24. With glasses?
if he needs .

25. With braces?
if he needs =.-

26. Shy type?
no .

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
both ?

28. Active or passive?
active (;

29. Tight or bomb?
puh-lease !?

30. Singer or dancer?
anything !

31. Stunner?
maybe .

32. Hip-hop?
idc bout this stuffs .

33. Earrings?
for GAYS too .

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop?

35. Dimples?
okayy ...

36. Bookworm?
no , tht's boring .

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
hmmm (;

38. Playful?
yeapp .

39. Flirt?
NO ! , ew . piggggs :D

40. Poem writer?
nice .

41. Serious?
depends . too .

42. Campus crush?
uhh ...

43. Painter?
anything ,

44. Religious?
christian !

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
so-so .

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
none . ;X

47. Speaks 20 languages?
i won't understand what's he even saying .

48. Loyal or faithful?
both .

49. Good kisser?
i don't want kisses . yikes .

50. Loves children?
maybe ? but i am not gonna give himm . hahahahs .

------------- SIX years ago --------------

01. How old were you?
6 .

02. Where did you go to school?
i for-got ,

03. Where did you work?
kindergarten school .

04. Where did you live?

05. Where did you hang out?
school; home .

06. Who was your best friend?
tanyanyi ; isis .

07. How many tattoos did you have?
i only hv fake tattoos . hahahahs .

08. How many piercings did you have?
2 ? both ears .

09. What car did you drive?
those toy car tht you move it with yr legs . its lucky tht i wasn't caught by th police , cause i was super underage-d . man (;

10. Had you been to a real party?
yeah . wenching's birthday party , i think ? FOR-GOT !

11. Had you had your heart broken?
because of ?

12. Single/Taken/Married/Divor
single .

------------- THREE years ago --------------
01. How old were you?:
9 .

02. Where did you go to school?
hougang primary school .

03. Where did you work?
hougang primary school .

04. Where did you hang out?
school; home

05. Who was/were your best friend(s)?
lydia; belva; cherylng .

06. How many tattoos did you have?
zero .

07. How many piercings did you have?
remain .

08. What car did you drive?
i stopped driving .

09. Had your heart broken?
yeah . some family matters .

10. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced?
single .

-------------------- TODAY --------------------
01. How old are you?
12 + {going to 13 in a few more months ! ;D}

02. Where do you go to school?
hougang primary school (;

03. Where do you work?
haougang primary school .

04. Where do you live?
kovan .

05. Where do you hang out?
school; hougang point; many many more places (;

06. Who was your childhood best bud and still is your buddy?
lydia; belva; cherylng .

07. How many tattoos do you have?
no more .

08. How many piercings do you have?
one pair , tht is still th same ?

09. What car do you drive?

10. Had your heart broken?
same as lydia , NO , pure , unlike melvinnee (;

11. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced?
single ,

----------------- WHAT WERE YOU DOING -------------------
1 MINUTE AGO: this quiz .
1 HOUR AGO: facebook-ing .
1 DAY AGO: off-ing th comp ?
1 YEAR AGO: playing comp; preparing for SA2 .
First piercing: 3 years old .
First credit card: for-got . {toy credit card :D}
Last big car ride: idk .
Last movie seen in cinema: ghost of girlfriends past !
Last food consumed: chocolates with almonds in it (;
Last person you texted/called: melvin/ huaren {call , received .}
Last drink drank : barley .

------------------ SHORT ANSWERS ------------------
I AM: doing this dummmbbb ! quiz .
I HAVE: myself .
I LIKE: ELMO; GARFIELD; everything i don't hate .
I WISH: to get 250 and above for PSLE ! :X

--------------------- FAVORITES ----------------------
NUMBER(S): 2; 4; 8; 24; 48
COLOUR(S): PURPLE; pink; blue; black; white
DAY(S): days after exams
DRINK(S): milo; ice lemon tea
MONTH(S): april; october; november
SEASON(S): summerr(;

---------------------- IN THE LAST 2 DAYS, HAVE YOU ---------------------
CRIED?: no .
GONE TO THE MOVIES?: almost went .
SAID I Love You?: yeahs .
TALKED TO AN EX?: i've got no ex .
WRITTEN IN A DIARY?: i've got no diary :D

------------------ BEST -------------------
01. Best Age: 12 .
02. Food: chocolate !
03. Best Memory: julniee's party; 23 july 2009 .

----------------- WORST -------------------
01. Time Of Day: waking up from sleep .
02. Day Of The Week: idk .
03. Food: prawns .
04. Memory: quarrelling & somehow -fighting- with him .

--------------------- LAST --------------------
01. Person you saw: my brother .
02. Phone call: hua ren .

-------------------- FIRST --------------------
01. Serious bf or gf: nil .
02. Job: student .

--------------------- NOW --------------------
01. Listening to: starstruck , 3oh!3
02. Tonight: huh ?
03. Wearing: home clothes ?
04. What did you eat for lunch: rice . mayonese . fried chicKEN .

----------------- TOMORROW ------------------
01. Schooling: yeah .
02. Got any plans: play ;D
03. Goal for tomorrow: play frisbee without screaming ANYMORE !
04. DISLIKES about tomorrow: idk .
05. LIKES about tomorrow: P.E. ! , same as {tard} (;

hahahs , nth to do , quiz many .
LOLS . goodbye anyways ! (:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Last blogged @ 2:56 PM

today was kinda , bad ? :X
no mood post , hahs .

Have you ever:

[ ] Stuck your hand into the pot of rice (uncooked) and played around with it
[x] Purposely stepped and walked 'box by box' on the tiles on the floor
[x] Used a mirror to reflect the light rays, causing this reflected light ray on the wall
[x] Made use of the rough surface texture of a coin and shaded out the 'image' of it by placing a paper over it
[x] Folded back a sweet wrapper to its original shape
[x] Sat in the supermarket trolley while your parents do grocery shopping
[x] Secretly pasted a piece of note sticker behind your classmate's back
[x] Tapped someone's left shoulder but is standing on the person's right
[x] Stepped and follow in the path of other people's shadows
[ ] Threw other people's slipper down the flat
[ ] Slided on the railing of the staircase
[x] Walked in the opposite direction on an escalator
[x] Used a highlighter to paint your nails
[x] Purposely turned/spinned the umbrella that you held when it rained
[ ] Purposely walked under the area where there's more rain while holding an umbrella
[ ] Stood in front of the mirror and sing/dance/act when no one is at home
[x] Purposely purred like a cat when you see a dog, or barked like a dog when you see a cat
[x] Purposely stamped your feet at birds to chase them away
[ ] Burst the bubbles of the protective layer for electrical appliances/bulky/fragile stuff
[x] Played teacher-student game with soft toys/siblings/nobody

Total: 14

Tally up your scores, then times the number by 5 to get the percentage.

'I had a childhood that was 70% interesting'

Rules of the game:
Once you are tagged , you MUST DO this quiz and tag 10 friends . Copy and paste everything , do it and repost the title with whatever rank you were given . Ranks are given at the bottom of this noteIf you have done something in this school which is indicated by the sentence , mark the [ ] on the left side of the thing you have done with a -x- . Let the game begin .

Level 1:
[x]Sleep in class
[x]Talked in class
[x]not seating at your own place in class
[x]Scolded by a teacher
[x]Litter the classroom
[ ]Did not do your homework at least 15 times
[x]Submitted your homework late at least 10 times
[ ]Came late for school at least 10 times
[ ]brought/wore home clothes without school's permission
[x]brought/wore jewellery sex bands to school
[x]did not pay attention in class for at least 60% of the time
[x]cried out "sian" or "wa lao eh" to the teacher
[x]plucked a flower/ killed a plant
[x]copied other people's homework in desperation
[x]played a trick on your classmates/teacher

Total so far: 12

Level 2:
[ ]sent for detention class
[x]ate in class
[ ]not wearing your school uniform (if you have) properly
[x]shouted at the top of your voice during lesson time
[x]scolding vulgarities in class
[x]spotted hairstyle deemed unacceptable by the school
[ ]used a school facility without school's permission
[x]played soccer/basketball or any other sports in classroom
[ ]singing loudly during lesson
[x]walking around the class aimlessly during lesson time
[x]did not greet the teacher properly
[ ]went to the toilet during lesson time without permission
[x]played a trick on the teacher during april fools
[ ]used the teacher's table as a rubbish dump
[x]made yourself a nuisance to the teacher

Total so far: 21

Level 3:
[x]was asked to stay back after school/ break time
[x]made a fool out of morning assembly
[x]wasted the school's toilet paper
[x]sabotaged someone
[x]irritated someone

Total so far: 26

Level 4:
[ ]forged your parent's signature
[x]forged a classmate's signature
[ ]forged a teacher's signature
[ ]made rude remarks to the school cleaners in front of them
[ ]flew a paper aeroplane down from the school's highest store

Total so far: 27

Level 5:
[x]fiddling with your handphone during lesson time
[ ]played with your PSP in class(soon)
[x]using school computer to play games without a teacher's permission
[ ]listened to an MP3 player in school(soon)
[ ]messed with the teacher's pigeon hole

Total so far: 29

Level 6:
[ ]vandalising with school property
[ ]tried to defame your school in public
[x]used the internet to scold teachers
[x]fought with someone in school
[ ]shoplifted in school

Total so far: 31

Level 7:

[x]cheated in a test
[ ]cheated in a school examination
[ ]cheated for your PSLE/ GCE 'O' or 'A' Level Examination
[x]Lied to your teacher
[x]played truancy for hall assemblies/ specific lessons

Total so far: 34

Level 8:
[ ]took drugs in school
[ ]smoked in school
[ ]set fire to something in the school
[ ]locked the teacher out of the classroom
[ ]played truancy just after coming to school just to take attendance

Total so far: 34

Level 9:
[ ]refused to pay school fees
[ ]cheated the school money
[ ]stole things which belonged to the school
[x]bullied someone in school
[ ]pranked called your school

Total so far: 35

Level 10:
[x]raised your voice/shouted against a student leader
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against a teacher
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against your discipline master/mistress
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against your vice-principal
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against your principal

Total so far: 36

Level 11:
[x]brought weapons to the school (scissors)
[ ]brought real firearms to the school
[ ]brought a real bomb to the school
[ ]fired a real weapon in the school with the motive to frighten/kill
[ ]dressed up as a terrorist in school

Grand total: 37

If you are between 0-15 ------------{I am a good student}
If you are between 16-20------------{I am a good student but with occasional trouble}
If you are between 21-30------------{I am an average student}
If you are between 31-40------------{I am a bad student}
If you are between 41-50------------{I am a very bad student}
If you are between 51-60------------{I should have been caned by the discipline master}
If you are between 61-65------------{I should have been expelled from school}
If you are between 66-75------------{I should have been sent to a reformatory}

'i am a bad student' and i am proud to be one (;

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Last blogged @ 2:16 PM

MAGGIEMEE ! yummy(;
just finished eating . yumyumyum ;
school was fun ?
okay luhhs . talks , schools . sec schools i mean .
teacher ask us move in , closer to 6c .
stupid , must sit nxt to th boys .
arghhhh ><
aren't we suppose to sit in th middle !? beside 6h !?
nehmind . big deal , sit lohr .
talktalktalk , SIAN !
bck to class , chinese class ? yeah .
played black jack , OPS !? gamble w/o money ;D
mr chan also nvr say anything , thn continue (:
bck to class , played CHEAT with lydia , belva , melvin and james .
super funny luhhs .
melvin and james keep taking th cards .
skip our turn . LOLS . just , super funny can !?
anyway , read her blog .

don't be so pissed with her .
she don't deserve your -pissings- for her .
she asked you to go away , thn just walk away and never go find her anymore .
she come find you , ask her get lost too .
yep , she's somehow 不讲道理 sometimes , i understand .
i've been treated this way before , tho .
i kinda , don't really like her tht time .
but it gets better these days . idk why too ?
just . forget bout everything bout her .
smile (;

wenching ; i am not emo-ing on my blog today ! :D
{and p.s. th pic you help me edit can't upload ;; :X}

Monday, October 26, 2009
Last blogged @ 4:01 PM

helloh everybodyy , somehow ==
was super hyper today , idk why . just laughters .
briefingbriefingbriefing . early in th morning . sian~
so super boring , th cher or principal of bowen sec , super funny lahhs . she asked manymany questions , bout core values , CIP , blah ?
joel pao said CHANGI BEACH for CIP . hell funny .
laughing all th way , and laughed real madly aft kok suan say tht LOYALTY is being LOYAL to your OWNER . example , dogs ? great ans .
went bck to class , played CHEAT . fun , funny , laugh .
went to hall , again . portfolio , BRIEFING !
wasn't really listening to what ms pan is talking bout .
CRAPS ! just knew tht , if don't update your ONLINE portfolio , they won't burn th disc from you . ??? something like tht .
recess-ed , early early . didn't eat anything , nth to eat .
played ice and water , chnged game ? but still almost th same == . wasn't really running , was walking around , with classmates running away from me .
aft recess , LAST! BRIEFING .
kayaking briefing . isn't tht cool ? KAYAKING ! (;
instructor / chief / whatevs sky is BCK , like b4 .
still as , fierce , strict , and _____ . ;P
stupid , must sit beside 6C . arghhhhh !
anyways , went super bck with xinying ,
th boys kept asking us move , hell , THEY MOVE LUHH .
briefed , need but many things . sian~ .
bck to class , played stress . tht's when i went mad .
laughing , screaming . like hell .
julniee , hao en and PIG went to our class .
he & IT stayed outside th class , julniee came in .
OFCOURSE LUHH . hahahahahah (;
blahblahblah , SCHOOL'S OVER ! :D
stayed bck , eat . blahs . went hougangpoint .
bought bubble tea , teased jx and wx bout stuffs .
super funny cans ler luhhs . ;
going watch tvvvv , GOODBYE PPL .

; NICHOLASTAN said tht one girl from some school CHIO in front of HER siahhs . what a ______ !? X)

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Last blogged @ 1:32 PM

wellwellwell , ytd was fun ; zebra preens (:
morning , watched bof , cd . was so into it , AGAIN ! ><
thn ewnt to lydia's church , got some kind of game ,
love it , to see thm act , hahhhahahhhh .
snowwhite , and seven dwarfs . i am one of th dwarfs .
funny ehhs ? hahahahhahah , wickedddd (;
played captain's ball , just stand there , ==
went into th air con room , played sabotuer .
thn camtain's ball agian , estee kept shouting my name .
goshhhh . p.s (; .
bbq-ed , nice ehh ? like th watermelon , super sweet ;D
kay , i gonna do smth else , GOODBYE ,

Friday, October 23, 2009
Last blogged @ 9:50 AM

oh no no no no no !
th whole night , dreaming bout th results of psle .
i got only like . 221 and below ~! ><
i am just going CRAZY !
and , on-ed my phone . someone , anonymous . msged me .
say i call and hang up ar . i don't even know who th hell tht person is , CRAZY !
stupid-ly , yesterday night . was angry with someone .
today , she apologise . ==
everytime lydat , third time liaos .
doubt if you can understand what am i postin' ==

; i am so into thm AGAIN !

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Last blogged @ 6:24 PM

4 days , super funn . went to cousin's house to stay .
did manymany things . watched cds .
jaws . was super nice ;D
boys over flowers . watched manymany episodes .
what more ? did claying , played with hamsters .
cute . (:
watching th NG shows of bof , super funny luhhs .
just , came up from swimming .
tired , again ; posted (:
BYE ! :D

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Last blogged @ 5:12 PM

tired ; posted (:

Friday, October 16, 2009
Last blogged @ 4:18 PM

today was super fun kay .
wenching came bck to school ! (:
she just go into my class , sit beside me .
lols , nv ask teacher , dc lahrs .
thn th teahcer go nag , dk what shit lahr .
hahahah , was super funny . tried not to laugh :D
uhh , recess-ed . with wenching . and virus-ed .
played stress with lydia , watched classmates playing cheat .
LOLS . super funny . esp reiyin <333 !
thn , stayed bck in school . sians ~!
ate curry noodles , lydia ate laksa . i think .
thn saw pig , penguin and kok suan .
stupid penguin , go shout my name . hell .
purposely don't look there .
anyway , ate , met jiaxin , heard mr tan shouting .
cool . scolding pig ehhs ? hahah . ;D
went to th hall with kim , lydia and jiaxin .
weixin came a while ltr .
played virus , for 1 game . ==
played th piano , weixin go record . lols .
got fire alarm , went outside see . nth lehhs .
dk why , auto , go take our own bags , went down .
mdm lim scolded garytan and friends .
heard tht they were kinda , playing over there .
thn hit th alarm . but they say is kok suan and friends .
thn mdm lim ask us bout it , BLAHS !
not our problem , ask us for what ? ...
waited for bus , saw pig going to school .
purposely shouted , SOMEBODY DYING ALR ! ;D
thn i saw his tucked shirt . shouted ,
just , uber funny can liaos .
uhh , ez-link card no money , hell .
took bus , so long . sian siahs . home-d .
changed songs (:


Thursday, October 15, 2009
Last blogged @ 3:40 PM

everything went fine today , went to science centre :D
did th dna stuffs . was super cool !
talked bout th dk what murderer , thn we be detective , must check th dna , see either A , B , C or D murderer . superduperuber FUN !
got th blood dna from th -murder scene- , checked th dna of th four suspects . super , INTERESTING .

1- pour some kind of liquid {tht became jelly} in th tray .
2- put th -comb- inside .
3- put th tray into th water , {somekind of gadget}
4- used th puppet thing {dk what's tht called , but sound like puppet .} and put th blood and dna in th holes made by th -comb- .
5- plug th wire into another gadget .
6- set th speed , time , blah .
7- wait .

turned out , really cool .
th colours , {blood} , just moved in th jelly .
and , th colours was super nice . COOL !
anyway , lesson-ed . fun-ed . school-ed .
just really hoping tht mummy will allow me to go caving .
tho , i know she will object . SIANS ~
wrote weixin's bk , aft school , go home , nth to do .
comp , SIAN! ;X

was super not sian now-s .
virus virus virus virus , melvin's house got virus !
so shiok , quarrel quarrel quarrel .
NICHOLASTANYENMING so dan xiao gui .
quarrel half way , say byebye , WAHAHAHAH !
humjikia luhhs ! somemore still spell wrong so many things .
super hyper , high , shiok ! WHEEEEEEEE~!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Last blogged @ 2:29 PM

i feel like crying
today was BAD
idk , luhhs . mood was like , up and down .
continuously .
you should know how bad it is .
yep , lydia was like this too . we're like . HELL .
morning , was okay . business talk . boring .
thn , recess . WORST PART KAY .
don't feel like saying . BLAH !
aft recess , wrote all th problems on a piece of pp .
can't solve thm , leave thm to my dearest god .
played murderer , stress , forgotten everything .
no mood . goodbye .

; i just want to say sorry to both of you .
darlings , sry . its my fault okay ,
i don't hate you , i aren't angry .
and its all my fault , kay . sorry .
and , darling . you chose him .
i won't stop you .
all th best , i still love you , no matter what .

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Last blogged @ 4:27 PM

two words .
you know i won't miss you , and thanks for leaving me .
WHEEEEEEE~! today was superduperuber FUN .
HMT was quite easy . good start ehh ?
waited for reiyin , james and eunice .
went to hougang mall . STRAIGHT . met zheng xiu on bus .
eat macs , same normal , old food . but super high .
till i heard some stupid news , spoil my day .
anyways , forget it , starting to hate her .
went to th playground , was super funny .
went onto th shaky board , was jumping on it .
fell many times , was superduperuber FUNNY kay .
james and zhengxiu fell off th swing many times .
it was super slippery , and super funny . WEEEEEE~
i nvr swing , fell down once too , not today . hahahahah .
started spitting water around , DUPER FUNNNNNN !
everybody's like laughing , spitting . OHHHHMG !
went to th washroom , came bck .
saw zachary tan and kenneth from 6C .
they were somehow swinging a lil boy , tht fell off it too .
kay , tht was funny . zachary tan tot i take his pic , EW !
who wants his pic ? so he chased me around luhhs ,
all of us is like running away , a big round , bck to th playground , with zachary tan chasing us . hell , he was perspiring , and we aren't . hahahah ;D
went to th library , read lil bit , for like 30 mins .
thn went to play again , moodlessly .
went home a while ltr , and yep , its now . LOLS .
once again , BUHBYE PSLE !i am super high today(:

Monday, October 12, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:03 PM

it's just one more day . ONE MORE DAY .
yes . i am gonna be so damn mad tmr .
i am gonna break school rules ;
i am gonna do everything i wanted to do .
HELL , i am gonna freak out ! WHEEEEEEEE~
dk if mummy allows , i am gonna make her allow .
*freaking out*

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Last blogged @ 12:37 PM

wheee~ PSLE is comin' , i don't think i am prepared .
ARGH ? this is so SICKENING . no taggs , peepo are busy .
PREPARING FOR PSLE ! >< . and i'm not gonna post , till PSLE's over .
brother was like scolding me cause of this .

{idk what am i talking bout , LOL}

Friday, October 2, 2009
Last blogged @ 4:54 PM

OHHHMG ! today's th one of my HAPPIEST DAYS !
P.E-ed , was REALLY fun . we're like playing captain's ball , but using frisbee to play , YEAH . VERY FUN MAN ,
anyway , aft P.E , went bck to class finding th boys screaming like HELL . went to th board , saw some FAMILIAR handwrings . MDMGOH ! she's bck ! man , i miss her so much ! she became so much PRETTIER , but miss koh scolded our class for screaming tht loud , she thought there was a fight , LOLS .
anyway , mdmgoh says she coming to school nxt week , everyday , COOL . she's giving us lucking charms , for PSLE . {she nvr forgets to give us ! ;D}
uh , lesson-ed , and partayed during recess . WHEE~
pizza was nice , mdmgoh order 12 pizzas and foods .
tho , she went to meet her friend . ILOVEHER ! (:
ate 2 slices of pizza , and thn lesson-ed , again .
mrs nathan banned our class from playing , hell .
now we can't play until PSLE's over ? what do we do ?!
she says , there's a guy from 6C , coming bck with his right hand shakiing aft recess , and thn gotta go visit th doctor's blahblahblah , and thn say she sent two guys from 6C again , to th general office cause of smth .
asked julniee , she says tht tht two guys was kinda pushing or smth like tht , thn tht guy with his hand injured , was fabian . -,-
so tht's th reson we can't play ? A VERY GOOD REASON HUH .
lunch-ed , ate some leftovers of pizzas ,
not very nice le , uhhh . okay only , but i put th whole packet of cheese , YUMMMMMYYYY ~ . hahahhh .
supp-ed , home-d . SIANNNNNNNNNN ! D:

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Last blogged @ 11:07 AM

hello ! was irritated by TWO stupid BOYS .
yeah , THEY SUCKS MAN ! agreed by cherie dan ;D
she rocks , like how all my darlinggs ROCKS ,
whee , one yr passed , love every single soul in my life (:
today's gonna be a busy day , HW ! DAMN .
changed th WHOLE list of songs to chinese songs .
hahah , gtg do hw . STUPID STUFFS . SO BUHBYE . D:
common sense ~ .

Hello , Aliens .
you are now at MY blog
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but THIS is MINE
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to visit this blog, starting from 21 march '09(:

please DO NOT rip my blog .
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Hey , Soul ( L )



18041997 , yes , CRAZY 13
hgpian ~ XINMIN-ian !
5.1 ! 08'; 6 gracer ! 09' ;
101 ! 10'
jesus is my saviour (:
scrabble player
single; sweetly attached ,
230410 / 111401 AM .
ToNicoleOng .
the NOSY exceptions ! <3
steal her , i smack your ass :D

NICOLEONG ; CHERIEDAN ; LYDIATHIO ; belvaloke ; gohweixin ; tanjiaxin ; cherylng ; kimberlyoon ; julnieetan ; kongxinying ; joanneang ; leeweiting ; ivygoh ; wongyihui ; zoelyngunawan ; jasmineteo ; ongyueer ; seakzhengxiu ; tanchenqiu ; melvinnee ; delvinwong ; leunglokheng ; kirktang ; seantan ; zacharychung ; abdulhakeem ; tanjinheng ; ryantay ; leonardtan ; leongjunwen ; are my ecstasy pills ; ONEBIGBIG FAMILY ! :D
& manymany more ! (:

love viewing

i love my clique . i love my girlfriends .
i heart the colour black . i heart the colour purple .
i curse people in my mind . and this is what i think . ♥
you're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me ,
well sentence me to another life .